Almost everybody loves car. Everybody wants to have a car. In fact almost everybody save their income just for buying their first car. Some other alternative is by having car loan or car credit. Finally! After some hard working and saving money for some month, you can buy your first car. This is the best moment everybody waiting for, to buy and proudly driving their new car. So, what should you do next? What should you do with your new car? What should you do before start to drive your car? Before you drive your newly first car, there are a few things to be notice especially for a car owner newbie - from some automotive aspect to financial insurance aspect. You have to learn it, know it and keep in your mind while you drive.
First thing to do when you have a new car is get insurance for your car.
This is the most basic and lawful thing to do for car owner. In most country, there are several consequences if you can’t afford an insurance policy for your car such as driving license suspension and fines. In some cases it may cause jail for you. You don’t want to let your car alone in the garage while you spend your time in jail, don’t you?
Always check you safety device in your new car.
Spend a few minutes to check your new car safety device before you do anything else. First and always, check you car brake system then check another safety devices such as seat belts and airbags. If you feel there’s something wrong about your car safety devices, then you should bring it to auto repair to fix them.
Safety always comes First.
Keep in your mind that your safety while driving is always above everything. Do not push your accelerate pedal level to the floor. If you drive recklessly, you’re not only put yourself in danger but you also put everyone else in danger. I you really want to enjoy your new car then you have to start driving safely.
Know your limits and capabilities.
Always try to deeply understand and know you limit or capabilities. For example if have some problems with your car bug you’re not a mechanic then you must not try to fix your car by yourself. Just put your car in the hand of mechanic and let him/her run the diagnostic of your car.
Do not underestimate any problem you have with your car.
If you feel there’s something wrong with your car then you have to fix it immediately. A minor problem can turn into a very big problem in you don’t fix it immediately. Your car is a complicated engineering system with every part of the system has their function. If one simple part fail, the car may not run well and this could cause you an accident.
Be discipline and responsible for yourself.
Having your own car not only give you a freedom to drive wherever you like but also give you a huge responsibility both for you and others around you.
That’s it…a simple guide for first timer car owner. Hope this will bring you a benefit. Have a nice and safety driving…Cheers!!
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