Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fuel Saving Tips

The increase of oil price all over the world has forced us to be more efficient in oil use especially for our car. In fact the oil price is still rising until today. There are few things we can do regarded oil fuel efficiency such as :

Just stop use your vehicle and start to walk or ride a bike for your transportation. Maybe you will say it is nuts to stop driving but this maybe one of the best solution. With walking on foot or take a bike for transportation, you have done two good things both for earth environment and also your health.

Replace your car with Hybrid Car because this kind of car will need less fuel than your general car. Again maybe this is nuts cause we all know if Hybrid Car is expensive today. Well maybe few years later this Hybrid Car will cost less money, who knows…

Use mass transportation. Well this maybe better solution than the first two. By taking mass transportation such as busses or trains we can save some our money we use for oil fuel. But off course not everyone likes to go with busses or trains.

Changing your driving behaviors is the most reasonable option Change you driving behaviors is the easiest way for saving some fuel with your car. It also can be done right now and you will surprise with the result. This is also the cheapest way to do without any necessary buy anything new and really stop wasting your money.

Driving Behaviors which give us benefit for saving fuel are :
  1. Avoid Unnecessary Idle of your car. Simple and yet so useful, just don’t turn your car on when you don’t need it. Turn your car off while you do anything else and you will save some fuel.
  2. Don’t Carry Excess Weight. The heavier the car will cost you more fuel to carry. Just bring the most important thing you will need or your car and leave unused things at home.
  3. Drive Smoothly, Slowly and Carefully. Do not speeding, just drive your car normally and you can save a lot of fuel. Speeding will also make you do some heavy braking; this will increase your fuel consumption.
  4. Use The Proper Gear. Use low gear only when you start drive then uses the higher gear when you drive on constant speed. Do not use low gear for high speed because you will waste your fuel.
  5. Maintenance Your Car Regularly. Some car manufacturer will recommend car maintenance for certain period. Just follow the instruction so your car will be maintained well. As we all know that well maintained car will also have high efficiency to operate and surely your fuel consumption will also efficient.
  6. Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated. This simple thing will be great for fuel efficiency and also increase your safety driving. Uninfalted tires will make your car to have more drag friction and this will use more fuel for your car to move.
  7. Use The Cruise Control. Use this thing can greatly save your fuel usage. Use this option when you drive on flat and steady road. Skip this option if you drive on the hilly area.
Well that is some basic knowledge for saving your fuel usage. If you think a little bit more, by doing all those things you will also give some contribution for saving our beloved planet. Have a nice try….Cheers

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